My Sustainable Dishes Routine & Five Things I Love About A Bar of Dish Soap

My Sustainable Dishes Routine


That is how many bottles I have saved in the past two years by making a relatively small change to my dish washing routine. We all need to do our part to reduce humankinds footprint on the earth. If you haven’t made this switch… do it!

Sink Dishes

I started refilling my dish soap bottles in 2019 and it feels so good. Even though recycling is better than a landfill, there are a lot of questions about what actually happens to recycled materials. 

I recently tried the dish soap bar + compostable scrub brush routine versus refill bottle + cotton cloths. I absolutely love the bar of dish soap and the scrub brush. We usually go through one bottle of dish soap per week and I like to wash the cotton cloths every couple of days. Three weeks in and I haven’t had to wash the dish scrubber or replace the bar of soap yet. 

The Dishwasher

This swap was so easy. As soon as I found out you could buy dishwasher pods at the refill store I started bringing a jug and getting 30+ at a time. They work well, and no more “recycling” the big plastic package.

Five Things I Love About The Bar of Dish Soap

Easy to Buy

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of refilling soap jugs, but buying a bar of soap is soo much easier. Just grab and go! The refill process involves washing out a soap jug, bringing it to the store and refilling it. I love that the bar of soap is easy to buy!

Easy to Use

With this method it is easy to wash just a few dishes or a sink full of them. I often felt like I wasted dish soap when I prepped some hot soapy water but only washed a few dishes. This problem does not exist with the bar of dish soap and scrubber. I love the versatility!

Looks Nice

I am working on reducing the clutter in my life, and I just prefer the look of a natural bar of soap and wooden scrubber to a plastic bottle and cotton cloth. I love that it looks nice!

Less Maintenance

I like to wash my wash cloths regularly because they start to smell. The scrubber stays fresh for at least a few weeks. We keep it hanging on a cupboard by the sink where it can dry fully between uses. I love that it is low maintenance!

Lasts longer

I’m new to using this combo, but I’m three weeks in and haven’t needed to buy a new bar of soap or wash/replace the scrubber brush. I love that it lasts longer than my previous method.

Your Turn!

If you haven’t made a switch with your dish routine yet, start with refill dishwasher pods. It’s such an easy swap and you’ll feel great about it. I am so happy with my new dishes routine, and feel great that it’s sustainable.

Be the change you wish to see in the world!!

Let me know if you’ve made any dishes swaps you’re happy with and/or sign up for my monthly newsletters with links to new posts and a sustainability challenge at contact page.


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