Sustainably Clean: Tale of a Toilet
This swap was an easy one! They have toilet bowl cleaning pods at our local refill store, Great Lakes Refill. You can either package the pods in a paper bag or in your own container. I bring my own container. If you don’t have a local refill store then check out the company Blueland. I’ve heard good things about their eco-friendly cleaning products!
Toilet Bowl Cleaning Pod photo by Lorraine Dolbear
How To Make This Swap
Step 1: Buy toilet bowl cleaning pods.
Step 2: Drop pod in the toilet bowl and watch it bubble up.
Step 3: When the pod stops bubbling, use your toilet scrubber to clean the toilet bowl.
Step 4: Flush the toilet.
Step 5: Enjoy your sparkling clean toilet AND your sparkling clean conscience (because you’re not contributing to plastic waste)!!!
My Refill Container photo by Lorraine Dolbear
Let’s Talk About The Typical Cleaner
I am so happy with this swap. I never really liked the typical toilet bowl cleaner that comes in a bottle. It’s obviously full of serious chemicals… and who is going to rinse that out for proper recycling? I always felt like I should dispose of it through the special chemical disposal drop offs. I do not need that hassle.
Try this package free, earth friendly cleaning option! It is so worth the swap. Let me know what you use to clean your toilet (we’re all friends here!) via contact page.