Refill ‘Ya Vanilla

Refill Vanilla

Non-Weekly Items

It took me a while to make the switch to refill vanilla. It’s not something I purchase weekly, but I do use it somewhat regularly. It seems to go this way, with non-weekly items. I intend to purchase my next quantity at the refill store, eventually I run out, I forget to pick it up at the refill store, and end up buying it at the regular grocery store in a pinch. Thankfully, this does get easier.

Refill Container

For my first time refilling vanilla, I used the plastic store package. I had rinsed it, and it was available (and pre-labeled) so this was the path of least resistance. Eventually I’d like to find a glass container for refill vanilla.

Your Turn

Do you refill vanilla yet? What’s holding you back? Let me know via contact page.


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