Trying Zero Waste At Work
Moon-Doh Ingredients: hair conditioner and cornstarch
My job involves planning events and activities for kids/families. If you’ve ever planned activities for kids, you know that each activity requires various supplies. We decided to make moon doh at a few events recently, and I made an effort to acquire the ingredients without creating waste.
Moon doh is a great, low waste activity because it only requires two ingredients: hair conditioner and cornstarch. I was able to find both items at the Great Lakes Refill Store. One part of the process that is not necessarily zero waste is finding a container to keep the moon doh in. We used both zip lock bags we already had (not zero waste!!) and also containers we had available. One solution to this is asking people to bring their own containers, or providing containers with a system to return/reuse the containers.
Moon Doh Recipe
¼ cup hair conditioner
¾ cup cornstarch
Mix ingredients well. It will be messy while you’re mixing, but it’s not messy when it’s fully formed. You’ll need to watch your hands when the doh has formed, and after washing your hands you’ll find the doh feels very silky smooth! Sometimes it requires adding a little more of one ingredient or the other to get the right consistency.